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2021 Trial Program


Welcome Kevin Dart

As most of you would be aware I have recently begun my new role with the team at EP Ag n Fert as Sales & Research Agronomist. I am looking forward to stepping into my role and working with you all to help develop new and existing products and technologies relating to our broadacre cropping and pasture systems.

Mobile: 0474 272 577

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to give me a ring.

2021 Trial Planning

At Ep Ag n Fert we have a strong focus on offering a reliable and innovative agronomy service working with you, our growers to best understand new and existing products and technologies to implement.

Therefore starting in 2021 we will be launching our own local agronomy research program including an annual cropping and pasture trial site paired with various paddock demonstrations.

We would like your feedback and involvement in the direction the trial sites take so if you have any suggestions or ideas for either the cropping or pasture work please get in contact with myself or Troy.

Our 2021 trial work has already begun, with our recently purchased hand-boom put to the test applying the first of numerous summer herbicide demonstration's assessing a range of tank mixes, new products and adjuvant options. If you have any problem weeds on your property that you would like a greater understanding of controlling get in contact myself.

Russian Wheat Aphid - Imidacloprid

Once again this season we saw Russian Wheat Aphid (RWA) return in strong numbers.

The application of Imidacloprid on seed demonstrated its value this season with cereal crops protected in those important growth stages through out the seson.

It is also important to manage the "green bridge" (volunteers) over summer to minimise host plants to reduce the build up of aphid numbers moving into the autumn sowing period.

With the reduction in the cost/ha of Imidacloprid of @ 50c/ha, $1.50-2.00/ha depending on sowing rates whereas the in crop application $4-5/ha and then taking into account wages & other operating costs makes the seed treatment cheap security.

Borlaug 100 Wheat

You may have seen on Landline recently the new wheat variety Borlaug 100 which has been brought to market by a farmer owned seed company, Rebel Seeds.

Borlaug 100 is a super high yielding feed wheat with a good disease package that is being targeted for the livestock market.

We have ordered seed for the coming season so if you are interested please get in contact with us. We have had some good discussions on accessing markets moving forward for this variety. I have attached below the link to both Rebel Seeds website as well as the article on the ABC website with a link to the episode of Landline.

Crop Topping Cereals

With the late season rains we have seen another germination of weeds and most concerning grass weeds. Crop topping our cereals with Glyphosate to reduce our grass weed seed back is another tool in the battle against weeds such as Annual Ryegrass and Barley Grass. The addition of 2,4-D to the tank mix can assist with broadleaf control, though be aware of possible grass control antagonism. There are plenty of things to take into account when decided if to crop top a cereal successfully.

Things to consider –

. Crop stage – incorrect timing will result in reduction of crop yield and sample quality

. Weed growth stage - can you expect a reliable seed reduction or control

. Making sure you use a registered product for Wheat and Barley

. Understand your harvest withholding period (WHP)

. It is not advised to keep seed from these paddocks – there is a risk of lower vigour

PREDICTA B Root Disease Testing

With harvest underway it soon will be time to turn our attention to next seasons program and as always there has been many challenges to consider for next season. One constraint to be thinking about is the high levels of root disease, which we have observed in paddocks over the past couple of seasons particularly Rhizoctonia and more recently this season, Crown Rot and Take-all.

Think about using this summer as a perfect opportunity to test your soil borne root disease risk to help make educated and accurate decisions relating to rotation and nutrition.

PREDICTA B is a DNA based testing service that uses both soil and crop stubble to identify which soil-borne pathogens pose a risk to crop health and therefore yield prior to sowing.

Both Troy and myself are accredited to deliver PREDICTA B reports to our growers and will be testing over summer, so if you have any concerned paddocks or would simply like to start monitoring any paddocks please contact us.

As always, please feel free to ring us to discuss any of your specific issues or questions. In the meantime happy harvesting.

Kevin Dart - 0474 272 577

Troy Maitland - 0499 272 544

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