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October Seasonal Update 2022


Agronomy Research Spring Field Day

Last month we hosted our annual agronomy field day, it was fantastic day looking at new crop varieties, herbicides treatments, fungicides and information relative to our own "backyard". A thank-you to you and all our suppliers that attended, a big thank-you must go out to Shannon Mayfield for allowing us to facilitate the research site on his property this year.

This co-operation has allowed our R & D work to take place and to visualise up close some very exciting new crop varieties as well as new herbicides and fungicides. These new

technologies and developments help keep us at the cutting edge to make sure we are improving our farming methods whilst improving yields.

"Take home messages from this season is to be pro active with fungicide preventative treatments rather than waiting for disease to be prevalent in all cereals. Check all options available from fertiliser treatments, seed treatments to early fungicide applications"

Results from the research site will be published early 2023 so be sure to keep an eye out, they will be sent via our blog and if you require a paper copy they will be available at the office.

We are wanting to hear from growers about where we take the development of our R & D work so we all gain the most valuable and up to date information possible.

Please speak to myself if you have inputs or suggestions for next season, we are open to any ideas relative to our district.

Ag Chemical Market Update

As has been the talk for the best part of 2022 higher than average herbicide prices have increased all our costs of production, in particularly knockdown products like Glyphosate, paraquat and fungicides. We have been insulated from the high knockdown products as most of you had product locked away for 2021-22 Summer spraying and pre-plant knockdown requirements. I don’t think we will see the $12/L for a 450ai and $14/L for 540ai, but we won’t see the $4-6/L anytime soon either but I expect a @ $8/L 450ai.

2023 we can expect herbicide prices remaining above average based on a number of issues, COVID hangover which is still disrupting supply chain with staff shortages , sea freight continues to be a major factor with trade routes affected and of course fuel prices soaring. As is always the case AUD, a low AUD creates high import prices but on the flip side it is great for grain prices!!

There has been a lot of talk about SAKURA (Pyroxasulfone) becoming off patent for 2023, well this is true but its officially not off patent until July 2023 so my understanding is pricing will remain similar to 2022 even though there will be a number of players in the market as it will all potentially be Bayer active.

Whilst we continue to monitor the market and procurement of stock 6-8 months in advance for each season, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make "changes on the run" like was once was the case. Your input and help is more important than ever to secure products for 2023. Requirements need to be locked away now and if you have a major change to you cropping rotation now is the time to talk to myself or Kevin.

Summer knockdown stock is arriving weekly and we are more than confident we have been able to supply quality product at market price with terms which will not impact on your cash flow this time of year. The main products to have a think about Glyphosate, Paraquat, Terrado’r , Ester, Amine, Garlon, SOA, Kombo and oils.

Give myself or Kevin a ring to discuss your requirements and if you have any further questions please feel free to give either of us a ring.

Fertiliser Market

2023 cropping season doesn’t appear to have any significant changes to the high fertiliser prices we have seen in the past 12 months. Factors contributing to the higher than average prices are the low AUD, high gas and electricity prices, Sea freight, global demand for fertiliser and high grain prices.


International Market- Stable with little demand from traders which has led to prices softening. This could all change when demand starts again from major cropping regions around the world.

Local Market- There has been a lot of interest from farmers around Australia securing product for next season based on the threat of freight and logistical issues. To date we have seen a decrease of $30-$40/ tonne in the past 10-14 days. Supply locally won’t be an issue, it's trying to pick the bottom of the market in case it increases. At this stage we are monitoring the situation and we will continue to give you updates over the coming weeks.

Urea Market

International market- Has slowed in the short term after a major tender out of India. There are other tenders due mid-October which could see the market move upwards so at this stage whist it is stable it is very volatile. European production has seen numerous closures due to high gas prices putting extra demand on other export countries to supply.

Local Market - Pricing remains stable, with the big wet continuing in the eastern states demand has also dried up due to limited opportunities and delays in application. Over all I think with the European winter just around the corner and high gas prices , we will still be in

for high Urea Prices moving towards our 2023 sowing window.

Western Grade Sulphate of Ammonia (WGSOA)

Will be very hard to come by next year also, as a direct by product of the nickel manufacturing process out of BHP WA. All available stock looks to be taken up Locally in (WA) for @ $600/ tonne !! add freight to that and Granulated SOA is more cost effective and efficient that the western grade.

Pre-Harvest Herbicide Use

Pre-Harvest herbicide applications (Crop Topping) is a solution for two problems, it is the last opportunity to prevent in crop weeds seed setting. Secondly, it can aid in harvesting efficiency and timing.

When Crop Topping some key factors to keep in mind are,

  1. Weed Stage - To obtain adequate seed set control this is the most important aspect. For example, for effective ryegrass seed set control the grain cannot be more advanced than watery/milk dough stage for glyphosate and soft dough or earlier for paraquat.

  2. Crop Stage - Understand the timing for the registered product you plan to use, yield losses can be expected if used outside of this range.

  3. Spray Coverage - This is critical for an effective crop topping application.

  4. Next Year's Seed Source - Ideally don't crop-top where you plan to harvest next years seed from, if this cannot be avoided please do a germination check on the seed quality.

This season in pulse crops we have big broadleaf weeds with moisture underneath which creates harvest difficulty. A double knock of Glyphosate followed by Paraquat could well be you best method to control these bigger weeds such as Sow Thistle, Prickly Lettuce etc.

When crop topping your grain legumes with Glyphosate care must be taken to get the crop stage correct.

This is especially important if the grain is being kept for seed, the wrong timing can result in retained seed showing poor germination and vigour. It may be recommended to only apply paraquat to the small area you plan to retain seed from or if seed is being retained after a Glyphosate application a germination and vigour test will be a must before sowing next season.

When applying Paraquat 250 to a grain legume, I want to remind everyone that 800ml/ha is the maximum registered rate. This will provide little to no benefit on large broadleaf weeds so this must be considered when planning your applications.

Attached are some photos of a spray demo we conducted at the trial site recently looking at the value of a double knock controlling grass and spring broadleaf weeds.

All of these photos are taken 19 days after application.

On the left is Paraquat 250 @ 3lt/ha, as expected a very quick brown down.

At the 30 DAA mark there was a lot of regrowth in this treatment.

On the right is Paraquat 250 @ 1.50lt/ha followed by a double knock nine days later of Paraquat 250 @ 1.50lt/ha.

So the same amount of active ingredient added. This treatment again showcased some regrowth however much less than the one pass treatment.

The aim here was to showcase that although the double knock creates another pass with difficult to control weeds it has a large place in our programs.

The regrowth was mainly broadleaf weeds not the ryegrass which is encouraging.

This application was Paraquat 250 @ 1.50lt/ha as a stand alone pass.

As you can see the weed control is is poor on broadleaf weeds.

Showcasing that the lower stand alone rates of Paraquat will not cut it for burn down of broadleaf weeds in your grain legume crops.

As mentioned earlier 800ml/ha is the maximum registered rate.

Sharpen which is an excellent mixing partner for paraquat will help and is registered in Legumes but is in unavailable 2022!!!

"Note: TERRADO'R is not registered in legumes for desiccation for 2022"

Registration work is being completed for a future registration in desiccation of grain legumes.

This final photo is Glyphosate 450 @ 1.50lt/ha + Terrador @ 20g/ha + Activoil 1%.

Followed by a double knock nine days later of Paraquat 250 @ 2lt/ha.

This is more a typical knockdown option for a brown manure crop.

This treatment was a big improvement over the Glyphosate and Terrador as a single pass application once again showing the fit for a double knock application.

Please take into account that since this application we have had large amounts of rain on this site so regrowth could be expected and growing conditions have been kind.

Crop Topping Cereals

Paraquat is not registered for crop topping of cereal crops however Glyphosate is in wheat and can be used on Feed grade Barley (Not MALT)

For Wheat registered Glyphosate products can be applied to mature crops from late dough stage (28% moisture) onwards.

For Feed Barley registered Glyphosate products can be applied to mature crops from late dough stage (25% moisture) onwards.

Harvest withholding periods apply, 5 days for wheat and 7 days for barley.

Crop Topping Roundup Ready or Truflex Canola

When crop topping our roundup ready canola with Glyphosate that is only a tool for weed control. The Glyphosate does not offer value for accelerating ripening or increase harvestability as the crop is obviously Glyphosate tolerant.

However for a weed control tool it still is a great fit, just don't rush in too early as you want leaf drop to occur to aid in maximising your coverage throughout the crop canopy.

If you are looking to even up ripening for harvesting purpose's a Diquat product will be required. A rate range of 2-3lt/ha is registered with the 2lt/ha rate suiting us in most situations. Registered application timing is much later than Glyphosate, spray Diquat when 70% of seeds have changed colour, harvest can begin 4-7 days after spraying.

Diquat is only for broadleaf weeds and will not offer any control on grass weeds so please keep this in mind.

Seed Orders for 2023 Season

With planning for next season well underway now is the time to put your name down for any new varieties you may be wanting to grow next season. I have been told that some of the new barley varieties will sell out in South Australia this season so please speak to myself or Troy.

Canola seed is a major requirement, once again this will be in short supply. If orders are not in for Canola we cannot guarantee we will be able to supply seed or the variety that you wish to grow next season.

Weed Seed Collection for Herbicide Resistance Testing

With grass weed numbers blowing out this year and some Pre-Emergent products struggling to maintain efficiency it is now so important to reassess your herbicide resistance position.

I cannot stress enough how important this information will be going forward.

We will be collecting seed samples to be sent away and tested, so before harvest make sure plants have been collected. Please get in contact with us regarding testing.

As always, please feel free to ring us to discuss any of your specific issues, questions or you are looking for more detail.

Kevin Dart - 0474 272 577

Troy Maitland - 0499 272 544

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